
Are Rubber Floor Tiles Safe?

rubber-floor-tilesDespite the fact that various types of materials are used in making rubber floors, they remain one of the safest floor type in homes, workshops and in various sports facilities. I shall elaborate further through five points why I can confirm that rubber floors are very safe. I hope and trust by the end of this article you will be confident in deciding whether or not you should invest in rubber floors.

I shall try and address the following questions:

  • How eco-friendly are rubber floors?
  • Benefits of rubber flooring?
  • What components make up rubber?


What are the components that make up rubber?

Rubber was first made in the 16th century. It was made from a natural source called rubber tree latex. The challenge with that type of rubber is that it causes allergies However, with technological advancement, most of the rubber being made nowadays is now synthetic and made entirely from man-made sources such as recycled vehicle and truck tyres. The advantage being that synthetic rubber does not have any side effects as compared to natural rubber.

Why Rubber Floors Are Safe?

  • Sound Absorption: Rubber is soft as compared to other hard surface floor types. Consequently, it tends to be more ideal in open area spaces like workshops and sports centre facilities where there may be an empty echo sounds


  • Good Investment: Rubber floors last longer in high traffic areas over long period of time, so it makes for a good investment. It is also resistant to wearing out from things human traffic and other movable things like gym equipment, hospital beds and any such rolling wheels.



  • Slip Resistance: It feels good to step on a rubber floor as compared to walking on top a ceramic tiled surface and one of the reasons why it very safe is that it is by nature slip resistant. It becomes very ideal in areas where there is high human traffic.


  • Rubber does not absorb water so it limits the risk of water damage to the premises concrete.


  • Frost-Resistance: The non-porous nature of rubber floor make it frost resistant, allowing you to use your floor without worrying about the cold weather outside.
  • Lower Maintenance Cost: Rubber produces some wax that helps in dirt and filth release from the floor surface making it very easy to wipe off any dirty. This results in lower maintenance costs over the life of the product.


  • Eco friendly: the fact that natural rubber is made from natural trees makes friendly to the environment. Extracting latex from tree does not necessarily harm them. Consequently, making rubber ends up being eco-friendly on than other flooring materials like polyvinyl chloride
  • Variety: Rubber floors have a wide range of variety. Clients can choose from tons of colours and formats that can be coordinated. These come in handy when you need to change from one type of flooring to another or from one space to another.
  • Stain Resistant: Rubber floors are resistant to stains and do not deteriorate over time.
  • Easy to Install: Rubber floors are easier to install as compared to other floor tiles. What is only required is to roll on to surface unlike tiles that need the ground to be dug up first. It is considered a great choice for do it yourself fanatics. In most cases, installation is so easy enough that you don’t need to call a professional for help.



In conclusion rubber is the most ideal to use on various floor surfaces ranging from kitchen, bathroom, living room as well as workshops. I would recommend to invest in such floor type for the reasons highlighted above.

It however has very limited drawbacks such as the fact that it is not heat resistant. There is also the fact that the initial outlay is more on the expensive side however if you factor in durability and sustainability as well as other various reasons highlighted above it so makes very economic sense to invest in rubber floors.

The last drawback is that rubber smells in the first few weeks of installation. The odour can last up to 8 weeks. However, the good news is that we now have chemicals that can be used to fend off that smell. To enquire on the pricing of the rubber floor tiles, click here.